Mission Statement:
To provide a safe, recreational shooting experience for our members and their guests, to promote the sport of shooting and marksmanship, to protect and preserve our shooting and hunting heritage.

As you have noticed, the Pistol Range is continuing to be upgraded. We hope to provide our members a more exciting and challenging range for you to use.
The new dueling tree is available to be engaged from the far right of the pistol range, out from underneath the roof and in front of the ground pole located directly in front of the shooting tree. The shooting tree may not be engaged from any under-roof position. If members would like to paint the plates, please make sure only the plates are painted. The club will periodically paint the plates.
We have placed 2 Evil Roy targets at the 50 yard berm. As with the other steel targets, members are welcome to paint them as needed.
When traversing from an under-roof firing point to the shooting position of the tree, all weapons must be unloaded, slide locked to the rear or cylinder open. The shooter will announce to others that they are moving to the tree, keeping the firearm point at the ground away from other shooters. Only when the shooter is in position behind the ground pole may the firearm be loaded. The firearm must be cleared, slide locked to the rear or cylinder open, when returning to the under-roof firing position. No more than 2 shooters at any time.
Pistol Range Rules:
- All members must display their membership card in the provided card holders at each range (members can keep the supplied badge holder).
- All members must issue their guests a provided GUEST badge to be displayed at all times (please return when done)
- The range is open from 9AM until sunset.
- During pheasant season stocking days Wednesday and Saturdays the range opens at 10am. You cannot drive to or utilize the range until then.
- Email notifications are sent for any other special events that will have the ranges closed for general use.
- Unless provided by the club as a part of the range, only paper / cardboard targets are allowed.
- Do not set up your own targets or move the targets provided by the club.
- Do not paint any target other than the club provided steel.
- Members must use the provided wood target frames for paper/cardboard targets.
- Do not tape/staple targets to anything but the provided wood target stands.
- Our steel targets in place are high quality rated steel and are positioned with a deflection and or distance for safe shooting, however there is always a chance that ricochets/jacket to the firing line may occur. It is imperative that eye protection is used at all times. If at any time you notice any pitting or damage to a steel target, do not shoot at it and inform the Pistol Chairman or any other board member immediately.
- Pistols, rimfire and centerfire up to 44 magnum (.45 ACP ok) can be used at the Pistol Range.
- Rifles, only rimfire can be used at the Pistol Range.
- No CT Others (any caliber).
- No rifle cartridge pistols.
- Suppressors are ok.
- No automatic or bumpfire.
- Member’s guests (not immediate family) must pay $5 per shooter, payable at the clubhouse either when open or through the mail slot designated for payment with accompanying form.
- NRA Instructors conducting the shooting portion of their class must pay $10 per student, payable at the clubhouse either when open or through the mail slot with accompanying form.
- NRA Instructors must notify the Pistol Chair(s) and Club President when a class is to be conducted to include: Name of member/instructor, number of students.
- Be safe: keep muzzle always pointed down range at the berm.
- Do not sweep the area even if the firearm is not loaded.
- Always abide by General Firearm Safety rules.
- Anyone under the roof area must have eye and hearing protection when shooting is being conducted.
- When requiring to go down range the shooter must state to all shooters his/her intent. Once all shooters acknowledge the request, unload their firearm, remove magazine, lock slide to the rear or open cylinder and place the firearm on the bench muzzle orientated down range, and step back and announce “clear”. When the original requestor observes all weapons are safe and placed on the bench he/she will announce “Range Closed” and proceed down range. When all people have completed their down range tasks and are back behind the firing line, the requestor will announce, “Range Open”, at that time shooters may go back to their firing position and commence firearm handling
- Please be considerate of others, police your brass and put target holders back.
Contact info:
Paul Arildsen [email protected]
Jon-Paul Mucha [email protected]